Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Darwin or Karma?

Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People.

Time to retire that one.

In Polk County, OR, a guy was driving away in a stolen truck from the farmhouse he'd just burglarized. He was found dead at the wheel. Angry victim with a gun take him out? One of those young men who parade around town with their AKs happen on the scene? Nope, it's even better.

This genius stole a couple of firearms, a rifle and a shotgun. They were found on the passenger side floor of the truck, barrels pointing towards the driver. A sheriff's spokesman said that a lever on the shotgun must have been jostled into the trigger guard of the rifle and fired it.

Yep, the guns got their revenge. For some strange reason, The Brave Little Toaster came into my mind. Are they coming alive when we aren't looking?????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People are very rarely killed by guns - it's those pesky bullets that keep leaving the gun's barrel at such high speeds.