Monday, November 5, 2007

Give it up, Rudy

AS IF Rudy Giuliani doesn't have enough problems, he's ticked off the Red Sox Nation as he woos voters in NH. My favorite 'home boy' EJ Dionne takes him to task for trying to convince voters that he, a big YANKEES fan, rooted for the Sox during the series. Come on Rudy, no one's buying! EJ also does a nice job 'splainin' team loyalty, and why it's not a bad thing. EJ has been a Sox fan as long as I have, since I can remember the days of Bill Monboquette. Man, how did we get so old?????? Thanks to Jill and Mike for the heads up on this one, found in the Houston Chron, of all places. And thank you, EJ. Always a pleasure.

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