Saturday, January 16, 2010


Last night was the monthly meeting of the Voodoo Philosophical Society, a group of local folk who like to get together for pot luck, wine, and thoughtful discussion. We hadn't been for a while, but since the meeting was at our friends' home in nearby Underwood, and the program was enticing, I baked up a crab quiche with mushroom crust, grabbed a bottle of bargain Chard, and we headed down the hill, across the White Salmon River, and up the hill on the other side on a dark and rainy night.

Our hosts decided that we should all watch Bill Moyers Journal, which featured Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea. Most people have heard of the mountain climber turned Afghanistan and Pakistan school builder, and many of my friends have already read his first book (his second is called Stones into Schools: Promoting Peace with Books Not Bombs, In Afghanistan and Pakistan). I'm half way through it myself, so the show and following discussion were timely for me. I was reminded of what a good show Moyers Journal is.
American humanitarian Greg Mortenson's first book — THREE CUPS OF TEA — has sold over 3.5 million copies around the world. It tells the remarkable story about his efforts to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan. When in 2008 the JOURNAL asked viewers what books should be priority reading for the next President, THREE CUPS OF TEA was among the top ten suggestions. Now, the book has become required reading for our senior military commanders and Special Forces in Afghanistan.
The fact that our leaders are reading or have read this book is good news.

I highly recommend this book if you haven't read it yet. The video of the interview is worth a watch, as well. Very humbling. The world needs more Greg Mortensons.

1 comment:

Linda G said...

Hi! I read the book when it first came out. I had the good fortune to hear Greg speak in Boston last year. He was amazing and inspirational. He has since written books for kids in the same vein as three cups of tea. Of course, I love that he was a nurse first!!!!! XO L