Thursday, January 10, 2008

Obama Got Kerry, Hillary got Me

I had a revelation during the last debate, before NH, before the emoting. Actually, it was when Obama told Hillary was 'likeable enough' (how condescending) and when Obama and Edwards double teamed and relegated her to the 'status quo', as if ALL the work she's done in the name of change did not matter. I'm tired of Mr. Sunshine, and I'm tired of Mr. Angry. I'm tired of the media, who don't take either one of them to task as they do Hillary.

She's got the best resume of anyone left standing. Women of our generation have been waiting for an electable woman for a long time. I'll be damned if a guy with half the experience gets the job because he talks prettier. Words are good. Inspiration is good. But we've already seen what an inexperienced 'uniter, not a divider' can do. We've seen women's rights take a big step backwards. She said she does not want to see us go backwards. And I believe her when she says she'll send Bill on the road if she's elected. No more fence sitting. I've ordered my Hillary bumper sticker.

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