Saturday, August 15, 2009


Finally, someone on network news has the courage to say what needs to be said.
Listen up, mainstream media...

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marxistsohrallyus said...

There was not supposed to be a debate about National Healthcare. The bill was supposed to be pushed through Congress and signed into law by the President by the August recess, with Democrats voting for it in lockstep without bothering to read it.

The real courage here are those Democrats who found their own voice and began to question why the Obama Administration was in such a hurry to foist it upon the American people. An overhaul of an entire system which works perfectly well for many U.S. citizens is like having one flat tire on your car, and changing all four tires. In addition, many voters polled don't see a need for it. Many see it as another instance of government largesse, at best, while others see it a loss of personal freedom.

The mainstream media signed on to this mass deception months ago. Instead of being journalists, most have engaged in an Obama 'fawnathon", and to suggest something as negative as debate on anything that he proposes would be Politically Incorrect. The past 8 years of nitpicking stands in stark comparison to this current Presidential love fest.

This includes the network news programs, notably ABC, which to some means "Absolutely Barack Controlled". Sure, newshounds love a calamity, especially when they are biased and want to show the worst of the other side. Sure there were angry people at the town meetings, but those were the only clips shown by Charles Gibson & Company. Surely, there are clips of the comments of many thoughtful, calm professionals, many of them doctors, who have legitimate concerns. Also, to infer that insurance companies have organized angry mobs of people sounds rather funny coming from a political party that bussed union members to the recent Portsmouth, NH town meeting that was hosted by President Obama.

Listen up, mainstream media, give up this king-making game, and return to your roots as journalists. Let's do what's right for America, not what those who have emerged from the shadows envision for it.

Fenway Fran said...

We both agree that the media has not been doing their job. Which is why I spend a lot of time checking multiple sources for information. The misinformation that too many people believe is truth is counterproductive and almost criminal. I was just happy to see someone on network news take a reality check.

If there was not supposed to be a debate on health care, Obama would have pulled a Clinton and done it all himself then pushed to pass it. His strategy isn't much better, unfortunately. I do have hope that some good will come of the debate and we can start making some changes that help manage our country's exhorbitant costs to cover not nearly enough people. There are some very good and smart people in the health care industry working on this, and I hope they can help work it out.

It won't be all things to all people, but it has to start somewhere. Baby steps, Baby steps.

marxistsohrallyus said...

Check out this article. The "urgency of now" atmosphere surrounding the bill does not seem debate friendly.

Katie Couric should not be denouncing what she calls "fear" and "ignorance" at the town hall meetings. In the beginning, if she had been more fair to both sides of the Healthcare issue and noted that misinformation and vagueness exist also on the side of its' proponents, then perhaps the frustration level of its' opponents would have been less. She is as much to blame for the sideshow as anyone in the media.