Monday, July 30, 2012

Catching Up on Good News

Nothing like a couple of days away from the 24 hr news cycle. I went to work at the tasting room Saturday, drove to Vancouver to spend the night with Liz and Perry Campbell, briefly read The Columbian Sunday morning before we left for Seattle. We talked all the way up and back on the drive with fellow delegate Gene Finley, so no radio news. Got home around 10 and watched Olympics until the tumbling girls all started looking alike (about 30 minutes) and went to bed.

This morning, I read the saved Sunday Oregonian, the Monday Oregonian, and hit the computer. While I was out:
-The Red Sox beat the Yankees TWICE at Yankee Stadium
-Mitt Romney continued raising eyebrows: praising Israel's Socialized Health Care
-There was an announcement that I'll get to hear The Big Dog again in Charlotte (I heard Bill Clinton speak in McMinnville back in 2008 when he was stumping for Hillary)
-There will be a plank in the Democratic Platform at the Convention in support of marriage equality
and, most importantly,
-my niece Sydney recuperated so quickly from her emergency appendectomy on Saturday that she's going home today. Speedy healing, Syddo!

I love Good News Mondays.

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