Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Fine Choice

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro will be the keynote speaker at the National Convention in Charlotte. The announcement came along with primary GOP election results, with the Texas Tea Party smothering more sane candidates in the GOP, raising hopes that some of the Dem candidates just might have a chance in November. My friend Hal gives a summary that gives me hope.

Now one of the best and brightest of Texas Democrats will have center stage in Charlotte. The youngest mayor of a Top 50 City wowed the crowd at the Texas Democratic Convention, where he was introduced by his twin brother, both of them Stanford and Harvard Law graduates.

Texas Democrats are dancing in the streets.  "I had to put on heavy shoes this morning to keep from flying", wrote Juanita Jean. I share her excitement. Having lived in Texas (CD22, think Tom DeLay) for five years before relocating to WA, I know this is a big deal. I can't wait to witness his address. It will be historic. Look for me and JJ hootin' and hollerin'!

Who knows? One day this bright young Hispanic mayor from Texas might make up for the more recent governors who've made the leap to the national stage. At the very least, he'll give our country a glimpse of a non-stereotypical Texan doing The People's business in the best interest of The People.

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