And that's not meant in a good way. From the Hood River side of the Columbia yesterday, it looked like an eruption. No lie. We were up on the Fruit Loop, scouting cherries, and on the way back down from Panorama Point, we could see the huge plumes of smoke coming up and being blown east by the frisky winds. What a day to forget the camera! From down at the riverside, where we watched the colorful dancing kites pulling all the kiteboarders, you wouldn't know there was a fire at all because the view of Adams is blocked by the White Salmon bluff.
Today's paper informed. They think the fire started with a lightning strike that smoldered until conditions were right for fanning the flames. That would have been yesterday. Hot and windy. It's grown to over 500 acres.
And the neighborhood network was on the ball. We got a great picture from Kris via Hooba. Hooba notes the irony of a fire hydrant in the foreground. From the picture, it looks like it's up in the area we usually cross country ski, near the Pinecrest and Snow King Sno Parks. Winds are down for now. Let's hope that it stays that way so they can get it under control.
See, I told you this would happen if a hot Momma like you moved there.
Admit it, Fran, Bush did something to hack you off and you got so mad that your hair caught fire. Heck, Honey, when that happens in Texas, our big hair can burn down three counties.
Heck, I get hacked off every time he opens his fool mouth! Yesterday's press conference during my coffee hour about did me in. That's why I keep my coif short. Since Juanita's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon went out of business, I had to let the big hair go. No one does it like Juanita.
The good news is, the 500 firefighters on the scene are making progress, but it could burn for a long time. It's pretty rugged country. Good thing the smoke pretty much blows east of us.
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