Thursday, March 27, 2008

Deep Breaths Everyone...Deep Breaths

Seriously, what is wrong in a democracy with letting the people have their say? I am SO tired of those who keep calling for an end to the primary season. This is the first time in years that the whole country has mattered in the selection of the Democratic presidential candidate. Our Democratic candidates are neck and neck. It's not like a landslide for Obama. It's hard after the race has passed by your state. Patience, everyone. Let this play out. Let the people vote. That's what it's all about. It will not tear the party apart unless you let it. If anything it's getting more people registered to vote in EVERY state. Chris Dodd, you're done, and you'll have to get in line behind Bill Richardson and John Edwards for VP. The party will come together if the people feel they had a say. I will feel a whole lot better about voting for Obama if Hillary went the distance and lost. I will be pissed off if the game gets called off in the last quarter. So will a whole lot of other people. If you all push to stop it now, you will do more to hurt the party than if you let it play out. And I really hate to think about how all the people in Florida and Michigan feel...

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